These are fun folks to buy for, because a lot of times it means you get to enjoy the present too! This is also something that many people may not realize about themselves unless explicitly asked. So try asking, “When you get gifts, do you prefer getting ‘things’ or ‘experiences’.” If you get an “experiences” answer, and he’s a bro, then you’re in the right spot. (Note: where possible we link to examples of the gift idea referenced. Many times they are affiliate links, but in some cases their not. Either way, your specific case will likely require to do a little extra customization, so the main goal is you getting great ideas — not us maximizing affiliate juice.)
- Concert tickets – do you know his favorite band? Try to find the next time they come to town and grab a couple of tickets.
- Sports tickets – Grab a pair of tickets to his favorite local team and go their together and overeat and drink.
- Surprise party – pick his close family or close friends and get them to sneak to a set location at a certain time to surprise him. This minimizes the need for additional gifts.
- Woodworking class – Is he into word working or flirting with the idea? This woudl be a great starting point. Or if he’s already good, it might be good to pick a specific project class…like building a guitar, or turning bowls on a lathe.
- Gun Range – This one may be controversial…but regardless of your thoughts on owning guns, going and shooting one is a fun experience. It gives you a new respect for the engineering involved and the sheer power they possess.
- NFL/NBA/NHL/MLB TV Packages – if your man is a big fan and doesn’t have these yet, you may just make him cry. This is one of those many things, we really want it, but can’t always justify buying it. When our girlfriend/wife makes that decision for us it’s a release.
Alright — most important section…This is what he’ll really be thinking about for the rest of the year, and these will also be the cheapest gifts of all of them. We advise, no matter which sexy idea you choose, select two. Give him one in a package, to get him amped up, and then have another already on under your clothes to flash him, so he passes out.
Full exposure top and garter – There is something freakishly sexy about the idea of not covering anything, but still technically wearing something. You may think he wants playful, or mystery — he doesn’t. He wants to see all of you now, with the fake premise of you wearing something.
Micro g-string bathing suit thing – this is just absolutely superb. Guys are so happy there are people out there making stuff like this, and they just pray they have a girl that’s down to wear it.
Sexy Nurse Outfit – he loves experiences, so don’t make him wait for Halloween to see you in a fantasy-esque outfit. Seeing this outside of the context of Halloween will add about 1000 onto the turn on facto